We combine global goals with local activities.

The Academy was funded in 1998 and since then we have been supporting local communities, community foundations and conducting country-wide social campaign.
The range of Academy's programs, addressed to residents of small towns and villages, covers about 30% of municipalities in Poland. In the Act Locally program, we run a network of 78 Act Locally Centers which, through educational activities and grants, support local initiatives. In "PAFF Local Partnerships" we teach how to build partnerships for the common good.
In the Academy’s initiative "Global Challenges Local Solutions", we provide support to organizations (Community Foundations) from all over Europe that want to act locally for Sustainable Development Goals. Currently, we support our local partners that take care of refugees from Ukraine.
In future we are planning to continue all our activities: support local organizations in Poland, community foundations across Europe, promote philanthropy and cooperation between public, private and non-governmental sectors. We will also focus on issues related to integration of Ukrainian refugees who decide to settle in Poland.
„Act Locally and in Solidarity with Ukraine”
Due to the war in Ukraine, “Act Locally” has launched a special grant path entitled “Act Locally and in Solidarity with Ukraine”. This means that in 2022 local grant competitions will provide support to include local initiatives for Ukrainian refugees.
The 2022 grant pool amounts to PLN 3.5 million. The funds come from the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and contributions of Act Locally Centers that organize grant competitions annually. At least a million Polish zlotys will be allocated to the special “Act Locally and in Solidarity with Ukraine” grant path, aimed at supporting no fewer than 200 projects.
Non-governmental organizations and informal groups operating in villages and towns of up to 20,000 residents can apply for grants to local initiatives to help Ukraine.
Funds can be then allocated to:
supporting local communities which are hosting refugees;
providing integration and adaptation services to people fleeing from Ukraine, e.g., legal, educational, and psychological aid;
helping Ukrainian refugees and organizing their stay in Poland, e.g., coordinating humanitarian aid;
contact, coordination, and information points;
purchasing the necessities for Ukrainians to use during their stay in Poland: clothing, cleaning products, household equipment;
organizing donation drives (to collect money and essentials).
Any „Act Locally and in Solidarity with Ukraine” actions must be taken in communes covered by the activities of an Act Locally Center.
More details are available in the competition rules published by individual Act Locally Centers.
We only accept online submissions at www.system.dzialajlokalnie.pl
„Act Locally” is a program of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation implemented by the Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland in cooperation with a network of 78 Act Locally Centers. “Act Locally” supports and activates local communities in rural areas and small towns by implementing citizen projects which are important to local residents. These projects trigger aspirations to pursue development and improve quality of life as well as contribute to building social capital. Since 2000 “Act Locally” has provided support to more than 13,000 local projects involving more than 4 million participants, including about 230,000 volunteers.
„Act Locally Centers” are organizations which conduct local grant competitions. They disburse funds delivered by PAFF, local governments, businesses and private individuals. ALCs also provide training and advisory service as well as support for volunteers.
All the interested organizations may contact directly AL Centers via www.dzialajlokalnie.pl, or through the ADPP: (contact person, e-mail address, or telephone number)
The 6th Grant Round of the Competition was open when the war started. This edition’s topic, announced earlier, was strictly focused on communicating about SGDs, so we expected communication, education and promotion projects, which were supposed to help launch the base of good practices on the subject. Considering the situation, after the consultations, we have expanded the scope of topics, as well as prolonged the deadline for the applications submission. The guidelines for the 6th GCLS Grant Round are described here: https://www.localsolutionsfund.org/expanded-call-for-proposals/
As the Academy received the information about the efforts of Charles Stewart Mott Foundation to organize the support for refugees crisis in Central and East Europe, mainly, we have constructed the plan for support - through dedicated grants - for CFs in the countries neighboring Ukraine, due to the humanitarian/refugee crisis.
By organizing grant competitions for Community Foundations in such countries as: Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Moldovia (Ukrainian neighboring countries but other also could be included), we will be able to award grants to support local initiatives to help refugees from Ukraine.