about the Academy
Academy for the Development of Philanthropy in Poland is a unique place, where extraordinary things happen. We try to inspire and help in many ways and in different fields. Among our achievements there are programs and campaigns that became social brands. We support local communities, we award socially involved companies, we encourage people to help others. Modern philanthropy bases not on giving money or offering ready solutions to certain problems. It is rather inspiring to act and to change attitudes. This is the world we are trying to build. We believe that through the promotion of modern philanthropy, we can create the world in which people trust and help each other, are able to share with others and solve their problems jointly. The Academy, with the help of our Partners, changes the world for the better.
The Academy is the only Polish member of the Transnational Giving Europe network.
news from ADPP
mission and rules
Openness – we are open to dialogue and cooperation, exchanging ideas, searching for solutions.
Partnership – we build coalitions, we work through networks based on common goals and values.
Innovation – we search for unique methods, we enter new areas.
Reliability and transparency – we care about the best use of the funds granted to us, we care about the best results, as well as the monitoring and evaluation.
Comprehensive support – we offer financial support, training and advice; we publish books and carry out social campaigns; we lobby for good system legal solutions and promotion of the best practices in the areas covering our activities.
Self – sustainability – we promote self-sustainability, we stimulate activity and resourcefulness of organizations and individuals.
our programs
We combine global goals with local activities.
The range of our programs, addressed to residents of small towns and villages, covers ¼ of municipalities in Poland. In the Act Locally program, we run a network of 72 Act Locally Centres which, through educational activities and grants, support local initiatives. In "PAFF Local Partnerships" we teach how to build partnerships for the common good. In the latest Academy’s initiative "Global Challenges Local Solutions" , we provide support to organizations from all over Europe that want to act locally for Sustainable Development Goals.
We develop modern philanthropy
We create an attractive offer for people willing to invest their time and resources for building social values. We have launched the "Double Challenge" Fund in which - by investing wisely - we will build financial self-sufficiency of the most valuable social initiatives.
Another form of contemporary individual and institutional philanthropy are memorial funds. They have personal character, reflect interests and build the prestige of the donor, thus putting up a "living monument" of professed ideas and key values.
We promote social activities
"Charity Stars" is the only public plebiscite in Poland and the largest media campaign promoting and rewarding social involvement of celebrities. We promote the best examples of charitable activities of people, who use their popularity to act for the benefit of society. The culmination of the campaign is the annual Charity Ball "Charity Celebrities".
We also run the "Civic Leader of the Year" Program, in which we select and reward worth imitating social activists.
We support the social involvement of business
For twenty years, we have been running the “Benefactor of the Year” Competition, the aim of which is to promote the idea of corporate social responsibility. Every year, we reward companies that focus not only on the financial interest, but also take care for social development. In addition, we run the of "President-Volunteers" Coalition which brings together presidents of both large and smaller companies. Through the activities of the Coalition, we show how important it is to share knowledge and experience, and what benefits, both for companies and non-governmental organizations, skill-based volunteering may bring.
our team